Undergraduate Degree Requirements
General Requirements
Each student is responsible for knowing all regulations governing the curriculum and course registration, and is responsible for planning a course of study in accordance with those regulations and the requirements for the degree.
The requirements for the undergraduate degree are:
- Minimum 128 credits of academic work. (See Degree Restrictions.)
- Cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for all institutional work (including Smith Programs Abroad and Five College Interchange).
- Completion of a major.
- Satisfactory (C– or better) completion of a writing-intensive course during the first year of enrollment.
- Four semesters of academic work, a minimum of 64 completed credits, in academic residence at Smith College in Northampton. Two of these semesters must be completed during the junior or senior year.
- Bachelor of Arts: completion of 64 credits of academic work outside the department of the major (64-Credit Rule).
- Bachelor of Science: additional requirements for the bachelor of science degree are listed in the Smith College Course Catalog (under "Engineering") and on the Picker Engineering Program website.
Degree Restrictions
A limited number of performance credits may be counted toward the degree:
- Exercise and Sport Studies (ESS): maximum of 4 credits
- Music (MUS): maximum of 24 credits
- Dance (DAN): maximum of 12 credits for non-dance majors, 20 credits for dance majors
Courses completed beyond these limits are listed on the transcript but are not counted towards the degree.
A maximum of 16 credits of optional Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grades may be counted toward the degree.
A maximum of 16 credits of special studies may be counted toward the degree.
A maximum of 12 approved summer school credits and a maximum of 12 approved interterm credits at Smith or elsewhere may be applied to the degree, with an overall maximum of 32 credits of combined summer, interterm, AP and other pre–matriculation credits.
Completion of Degree Requirements (Senior Certification)
Completion of degree requirements (senior certification) is completed through Workday. Second-semester seniors will be prompted to begin the process of certification by the registrar’s office. Major and minor requirements will be certified by the respective advisers. The 64-credit rule will be certified by the registrar’s office and confirmed by the major adviser(s). Latin Honors will be reviewed by the registrar's office.
Students and advisers should review the Academic Progress report, and advisers should submit overrides to requirements as needed. Prior to certification, all requirements must appear as Satisfied or In Progress; no requirements should be outstanding.
Latin Honors
Each year approximately 25 percent of the graduating class is awarded the Bachelor of Arts or Science degree with Latin Honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude) and/or departmental honors. Latin Honors are awarded to graduating seniors who have meet the eligibility requirements:
1. Complete the distribution requirements in seven fields of knowledge
2. Complete 48 graded credits during the sophomore, junior, and senior years.
3. Meet the minimum Latin Honors GPA for the graduating class (not published or disclosed).
Studying Away Senior Year
If you wish to complete part or all of your senior year away from campus on a Smith or non-Smith program or at another undergraduate institution, you must petition the administrative board. The petition must include a plan for the satisfactory completion of the major and degree requirements (including residency) and must have the approval of the department of the major. The petition must be filed in the Office of the Class Deans by the deadline to request approval for off-campus study.
If you are studying away from campus during your final semester, you will not be awarded your degree or diploma until the Office of the Registrar receives a final official transcript and confirms completion of the degree requirements.
The Smith College diploma is printed with the graduate's name, degree and graduation honors. Majors do not appear on the diploma unless the graduate has been awarded departmental honors. The diploma displays the college seal and is individually signed by the president of the college.
During your senior year, the registrar's office will contact you to confirm the spelling of the diploma name.
Official translation of the diploma from Latin to English can be obtained by contacting registrar@sanmingzhi.net